If you were unable to make the August 4 audition date, please record a video of your child performing the monologue and song (to the instrumental track) and submit it to us (instructions below). Please submit this by SEPTEMBER 3 so that we can consider your child for this production. 

  • We’ve provided you a video that will show you the specific parts to sing; please prepare the parts in the video as closely as possible.

  • Now, record a video of you doing the entire included monologue and the first 1:25 of the song with the instrumental track.

  • Make sure that you're able to record your video in fairly high definition (most semi-new phones will work). Please try to have good lighting so that we can see you, and ensure that when you listen back to it, the audio quality is good enough to distinguish what you’re singing versus the track you're singing along with.

  • Once you have the video on your device, please either upload it as an UNLISTED YouTube video, or upload it to something like DropBox or Google Drive.

    Whichever you choose, copy that link and paste it in the form below. (Please make sure that on DB or GD, the link permissions are turned on that we can access it, such as selecting “anyone with the link”; or if you need an email, give access to

  • We will contact you shortly with a response.

  • You’ve got this!! 👍