Welcome to our internship process at Lifehouse Church!

We are excited to that you are allowing us to help as you take these first steps in your ministry calling. The internship process is designed to equip you with basic tools of ministry by connecting you to the team and area of ministry that best fits you.

These are offered in periods of either three or six months, and you can request an extension of up to one additional period with approval by their departmental leader.

Our internships are unpaid, as this is more considered to be free continued education - and with this understanding, we will strategically schedule your hours with us and be as flexible as possible to work in partnership with your schedule!

As an intern at Lifehouse Church you can expect to receive:

  • An opportunity to learn and serve within a large, fast-growing church environment.

  • Hands-on, intensive training in the ministry area you are interning with.

  • Cross-ministry involvement for a well-rounded understanding of how individual ministries work together.

  • Solid, applicable spiritual & leadership development.

  • Practical ministry application across a broad platform of ministry.

To apply, complete the two forms found HERE and email them to our discipleship pastor, Curt Snyder.