Are you looking to “Find Family!” and build community here at Lifehouse? Life Groups are the perfect way to find connection. We believe that life is better in circles than in rows, and we want to get you into one of those circles.
If you heard about Life Groups through Group Launch, welcome! To find a group that fits you:
GO: Click the “find the group for you” button further down on this page.
REFINE: Use the “refine” tool to filter for the campuses, times, and types of groups that work best for you.
JOIN: When you find one you’re interested in, hit “join group” and leave some information about yourself so the leader can reach out to you (no pressure, you’re not locked in forever).
MEET: Plan in some time before or after service to meet the group leader at your campus on Group Launch day! (See events page for next date)
Community is vital. Life Groups are designed to create an environment where people are encouraged and inspired to draw closer to God, to connect with others in meaningful and life-giving relationships, and to reach members of their local community.
care groups
We have specific Life Groups designed to connect members dealing with a particular area in their life that others cannot just relate to. Care Groups are not permanent, but meant to support and equip a person as they transition through a specific or difficult part of their journey. Once the person completes the program or has overcome the hurdles, they find further connection in another Life Group to continue their Christian journey and growth.
Life Groups meet at various days, times, and physical and online locations. Look for what fits you!
Learning Groups give people an opportunity to meet in small groups for the purpose of growth and development. These groups meet for a specified duration and address a variety of topics and areas of study from a biblical perspective. Our courses are instructor-led and suited for any level of spiritual development.
If you have any questions, please free to email so that we can help get you connected to a Learning Group that best suits you.