
Day 13

Thursday, March 18

The Way Through Uncertainty

In this past year, we have all faced a little bit of uncertainty. Okay...that is an understatement. You have probably faced a lot of uncertainty. From COVID to racial tensions, to political tensions, not to mention what may be going on for you personally, there has been a lot of uncertainty. When that uncertainty is in every headline, it easily feels overwhelming. The way through uncertainty is to keep your focus on your faith in Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. In these verses from Matthew, Peter had the faith to step out on the water, but then he got overwhelmed by the waves from the storm around him and began to sink. There are many times in my life where my focus shifted to the waves of uncertainty and I felt like I was sinking. I am sure you can relate to that sinking feeling when you don’t know what to do or what the future will bring.

I love what Peter does next. He finds the solution to uncertainty: faith. He puts his eyes back on Jesus and calls out to Him. Jesus immediately reaches out and pulls him up. When we are faced with uncertainty, we must turn our thoughts from the things we are uncertain about and put them on Jesus. When you are sinking in uncertainty, put your faith in Jesus and focus on Him. Call out to Him through prayer, worship, or reading your Bible. Just as Jesus was right there with Peter when he was sinking because of uncertainty, He is also right there with you. All you need to do is keep your faith in Him.

-Zoe Kelly


Bible Reading for the Day:

Matthew 14:22-33, Hebrews 13:8

Think and Act:

1. What is a step you can take starting today to shift from focusing on the things you are uncertain about to focusing on Jesus?

2. Based upon today’s reading, how can you daily stay focused on faith rather than uncertainty?