Day 26
Wednesday, March 31
The Way Through Selfishness
When you were a child, did you naturally play with others and want to share your toys, or did you have to learn that “sharing is caring? ”As humans, we naturally want to believe that what we have is ours and ours alone. It can be hard for us to think that what we possess could possibly be of any benefit to those around us.
In the scripture we are reading today, the 5,000 people who were hungry did not know where their food was going to come from. Jesus could have easily spoken the food into existence. The disciples themselves asked, “Where will we buy bread so that these people can eat?” (John6:5) Instead, Jesus used the offering of a little boy who gave all that he had. He used the little that was made to feed only a few, and took that offering to feed the many.
We often think that we need to share in big ways for our giving to make a difference...that if we just wait until we have a little bit more, then there will be enough extra to give. But God calls us to share all that we have, whatever that is.
-Branda Yeargan
Bible Reading for the Day:
Think and Act:
1.What talents, skills, or passions have been gifted to you that you have not been sharing with others because you fear it is not enough?
2. Read Hebrews13:16. How could the things you listed previously be used as acts of worship?