Day 5

Wednesday, March 10

The Way Through Lust

I remember when I was about 8 years old, my parents took me for a routine eye examination. I have always had good vision, but I really wanted glasses. So, I had the bright idea of purposely failing my eye exam. I ended having to wear prescription glasses that I didn’t even need, which actually brought more problems to me as a grew older. How can something that was meant to correct my vision end up corrupting it? It was because I took on a perspective and a prescription that was not mine.

We live in a world that is constantly testing our eyes with temptation, luring us with lust...and it has a way of corrupting the lens of our lives. It has fatal repercussions in our marriages, friendships, relationships, and essentially our lives. But God has a way of combatting the very thing that corrupts us. Lust’s ways corrupt our eyes and ruins our hearts. God’s ways correct our hearts and redirect our eyes. God’s way through lust is faithfulness.

What you put your faith in will determine what you fix and focus your heart on. The psalmist writes in Psalms 119:11, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I may not sin against God.” Our faithfulness to God in our hearts will allow us to focus our eyes on His word. Looking and living through the lens of God's word is the proper prescription for our lives –it is the way to live correctly before God.

-Jay Recto


Bible Reading for the Day:

Psalms 119:1-16

Think and Act:

1. In what area of my life can I show more faithfulness to God?

2. Pick a Bible verse—read it, write it, memorize it.