
Day 9

Sunday, March 14

The Way Through Anxiety

“Don’t worry, be happy!” This is a phrase easier said than done. Even when put to the beat of the famous song by the same name from the 1980s, our world and our life can be full of worry and anxiety. When we take our eyes off of God and focus our attention on the news or latest headlines, we can begin to physically feel anxiety filling us from within, creating layers of stress and worry that we were never created to bear.

In Philippians 4, the apostle Paul challenges us to not be anxious about anything. Instead, we are to pray and give thanks. It can be easy to express thanks when everything is going our way. The sun is out, we’ve got money in the bank, or we’ve just celebrated a victory. But we are called to live this way even in the midst of pain and struggle. Consider that, at the time that Paul was writing this letter to the Philippian church, he was in prison facing an uncertain future. Yet he looked beyond his current circumstance to a powerful and infinite God.

Paul challenges us to give thanks in every circumstance, assuring us that the peace of God will then guard our hearts and minds—the peace of God, which “transcends all understanding.” Just like you can’t see clearly in the middle of a storm, you may not be able to feel peace in the middle of your anxiety right now, but know that every storm runs out of rain. We have a God that controls the wind and the waves. He is greater than the challenge in front of us and He loves you. There is always something to celebrate and to be thankful for. Take Paul’s advice to heart: rejoice, and the peace of God will be with you.

-Jason Summers


Bible Reading for the Day:

Philippians 4:4-9

Think and Act:

1. What are you feeling anxious about today? Why may it be hard for you to accept peace?

2. How can you combat those feelings with God’s truth?