We’ve all heard someone use the phrase, “I’m on a mission!” Maybe you have even said it a time or two. Usually when someone uses this phrase, it is because they have singular focus to accomplish a task or to get a particular item they are looking for. The idea they are trying to convey is that this is the only thing they are trying to do at that moment, and nothing else really matters until they accomplish what they set out to do.

Just before Jesus ascended back to heaven, he told his followers to go and make disciples of all the nations. (Matthew 28:18) Today we refer to that passage of scripture as the Great Commission. In other words, Jesus was sharing his mission with his followers to continue it even after he was gone, with the understanding that this mission was an invitation for everyone who follows him. In Acts chapter 1, Jesus told us that when we are empowered by the Holy Spirit, we will be his witnesses all over the world. In 2 Corinthians, the apostle Paul wrote that we are Christ’s representatives and have been given the message of reconciliation. From these few scriptures, it is clear that if we are truly Jesus followers, then we are to be on that mission too.

Every one of us is on mission for Jesus. Some will be called to go to another country or land to proclaim the Gospel. We refer to these people as missionaries because of this calling, but the truth is that we are all missionaries to some place or to some people group. Most of us will not be asked by God to go to a foreign country, but he is asking us to go to the people we work with, go to school with, and hang out with on the weekend. God has strategically placed you right where you are with the people who are around you. Jesus commissioned you as his follower to share and show God’s love to them. It’s up to you to carry it out.

The Mission Impossible TV show and movies all started out with this phrase, “Your mission should you choose to accept it…” Ask God if there is a place that he wants to send you.  Make a decision today to be on mission for Jesus right where you are planted. Romans 10 asks, how will they know unless someone tells them and how will someone tell them unless they are sent? Choose to live sent today, wherever that may be.