If you have kids or know kids around Christmas, you probably realize that there is always that one big gift that they are hoping for. Usually it is a bigger item, and if they were to receive it on Christmas day, it would be the highlight of their Christmas (or at least that’s what they tell you).

Imagine deciding that, even though it was very expensive, you would go and get that one thing for them. Then you take it and have it professionally gift-wrapped with the best paper and a big bow. Anxiously, you wait for Christmas morning because you know that when they see the gift they will be so excited… and you cannot wait to see the joy and satisfaction on their faces as they realize you have gotten them that one thing.

Now imagine that it is Christmas morning and you have that gift placed under the Christmas tree. You are so excited because you are sure what their reaction is going to be. Actually, you may be more excited about giving it than they are about receiving it. Finally, they pick up that gift. They look at it. They turn it all around and then, instead of opening it, they take it and place it on a shelf. You are so disappointed because you know it was the perfect gift and they aren’t even going to open it! You ask why, and this is the response you get: “It is just so perfectly wrapped that I don’t want to mess it up. I’m just going to put it here so I can look at it and admire it.”

On that first Christmas, God offered us the perfect gift. That gift was Jesus, and God so generously offers it to any and all who will receive it. He didn’t spare any expense. He gave us his best. Can you imagine how God must feel when we take his gift and never open it? Can you imagine how he must feel when we use his gift as just something to look at, simply placing it on the shelf never to experience it? Can you imagine how God must feel when we reject it?

God was willing to give it all so we could have it all. Your value and security isn’t based on what you’ve done or can do, but rather in the price God was willing to pay to rescue you. Whether you are accepting God’s gift for the very first time or you are finally willing to open the gift and experience all God has for you, I hope this Christmas season will be the one that you fully accept God’s gift of his Son, Jesus.