Let me emphatically establish, as we prepare for these 21 days of fasting and prayer, that this discipline in the truest context has everything to do with the attitudes of our hearts and the cries of our souls. Throughout God’s Word we see the kind of fasting and prayer that God receives and the kind that He rebukes. We also recognize clearly that Jesus Christ made fasting and prayer a significant priority and was unquestionably the key to His ministry, especially in the area of spiritual warfare and deliverance. We should learn by His example and instructions in making fasting and prayer an integral aspect of our responsibility in ministry.
The disciplines of fasting and prayer should never be reduced to a formula or some mystical ritual we are to perform that will somehow guarantee a “move of God” in any respect. Nor should fasting and prayer be treated as mere physical tests or exercises in mental discipline. Simply stated, 21 days of supposed fasting and prayer could easily become just a quick weight loss program or a spiritual badge of honor for many.
God's Word has a strong rebuke for those who fast for the wrong reasons or in an improper manner. I have never seen God respond favorably to fasting and/or prayer based on false pretenses or impure motives. It’s important we note the following:
Improper Reasons/Motives
Fasting and prayer are improper when a person seeks:
To fulfill selfish desires and ambitions.
To attempt to manipulate God.
To elevate one's status or personal agenda.
To promote false piety, legalism, or religious duty.
Improper Manner
Fasting and prayer are improper when they:
Draw attention to personal glorification.
Are attempted without sufficient seriousness and respect.
Are conducted while intentionally continuing to sin.
Are conducted while continuing to pursue selfish desires in pleasure and business.
Are conducted while promoting or continuing injustice, oppression, or impropriety.
Are conducted without drawing aside daily and dedicating ample time for sincere seeking, quiet communion, and devoted prayer with God.
God-Honoring Fast
The Bible is filled with references to the fasting and prayers of God’s people, both in the Old and New Testaments. In Matthew 6, Jesus placed fasting on the same level as praying and giving. In each case, He provides specific instructions so we can understand that these three things, prayer, giving, and fasting, are integral ingredients and the disciplines of true believers. In respect to fasting and prayer we realize that this dynamic practiced rightly in our lives enables our hearts to be clearly focused as we are drawn closer to God and His purposes.
It is difficult to explain the connection between fasting and prayer as a gateway to supernatural power. However, God’s Word does reveal to us that scripture, prayer, and fasting are the ways we humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord. When we humble ourselves, He promises to exalt and lift us up at the appointed time; obviously for His appointed purposes (I Peter 5:6; James 4:10)!
The very act of true fasting brings a sharp focus to the dramatic difference between our physical and spiritual natures. Eating is one of the most fundamental things we do as physical beings because one of our most natural desires is for food. Without proper nourishment we die. By exercising our wills and depriving ourselves of food for sincere spiritual purposes, we acknowledge our spiritual natures and honor God in the process. When we deny the natural for the purpose of calling upon God to do the supernatural, He will enable and empower us to experience His presence and power in extraordinary ways!
Also, through fasting, we confirm the words spoken by Jesus in the face of temptation during His 40-day fast, "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4).Through fasting and prayer we forsake our own physical needs and call upon God as the Source and Sustainer of our lives. True spiritual fasting will result in submission and devotion to God and His purposes, and to experiencing what it truly means to “live abundantly” as we are spiritually nourished by the Word of God- “O, taste and see that the Lord is good!”
God Blesses When Our Fasts...
Focus on Him and honor Him. (Although you will receive spiritual blessings, these are not proper motives for fasting.)
Have spiritual purposes. (Although you may realize certain physical benefits, these are not proper motives for spiritual fasting, e.g. for weight-loss purposes.)
Cause individuals to humble themselves and submit to the authority of God, His Word, and His purposes.
Cause individuals to acknowledge and repent of sin.
Deprive our natural desires and lusts to focus on the spiritual.
Focus on Fruitfulness
When we honor God by fasting and prayer, we must realize that God will only work and bless in ways that are consistent and in harmony with His will and purposes. One of the primary functions of fasting and prayer is to help us discover what His ordained purposes and will are for our lives. As we seek after all that is in God’s heart for our lives, families, and church, and we are committed to fully obeying Him in everything, He has promised to “raise us up” to a “new level” of ministry (Acts 13:22).
What We Should Fast and Pray For
The 21-Day Fast that Daniel undertook (Dan. 10:2-3) was for breakthrough. After 21 days Daniel was visited with divine revelation regarding his vision.
God has given us a great vision- “To reach up in passionate relationship with God, to reach in to nurture and disciple our family of friends, and to reach out to share Jesus with our community.”
God is calling us to a 21-day fast so we spiritually prepare ourselves, families, Lifehouse, and our community for this time of expectation. When we are in expectation our focus, priorities, level of commitment, and prayers change.
We Should Fast and Pray For…
The wisdom and knowledge of God’s calling personally and corporately
That we would see clearly everything we need to be and do to fulfill God’s call on our lives personally and corporately
The power to enforce the vision and mission (revelation) God has given us on both a “new” personal and corporate level of excellence and effectiveness
The Spirit to prepare our community and cultivate a hunger and readiness for God in the hearts our neighbors.
The increase in leaders to join and be raised up from within Lifehouse.
Why fasting?
Don’t ask me why, but the discipline of fasting works. When we use our physical appetites as a constant reminder to pray, read the Bible or meditate, we grow desperate for God and realize how consumed we are with consuming. Fasting gets our priorities back into right order.
Why 21 days?
In Daniel 10:2-13, Daniel prayed and fasted 21 days, during which time a spiritual battle was fought. After his 21-day fast, there was breakthrough and Daniel received the answers to his prayers. These 21 days will be a time for us to get reconnected with the Creator of the universe and the Savior of our souls.
Why now?
Throughout the year, things distract and dampen our passion for God, but we want to start off the New Year by clearing out the cobwebs in our hearts and by refocusing the “lens” of our spirit. We don’t want to wander through 2025 haplessly going about our business. Nor do we want to attempt God-sized dreams without God’s presence going before us. We want God-led strategies that will accomplish HIS will in HIS time through HIS power.
Why me?
Together, we can accomplish something so much greater and more powerful than any one of us could as an individual. We don’t go through this ritual to earn a spiritual merit badge or prove how devoted we are to God. Rather, we partner together in prayer & fasting as a way to partner with God in HIS purposes, His will, and His Cause for the Church and for every Jesus-follower.