
Thank you for your interest in serving in the Worship Ministry at Lifehouse Church! We appreciate your willingness to take the time to complete the audition process. There are a few things we want to make sure we say up front as you begin this process. By choosing to be a part of the Worship Team you are also entering into a position of authority. Others in our church will watch you closely and take what you say and do seriously. We think that is a good thing. We believe all those on our Worship Team are Leaders and Leaders represent Christ and the Church. The challenge is that being a Leader is all-encompassing!

As a Leader, your lifestyle is part of the equation. What you present within a Lifehouse service or event should be consistent with who you are in every other part of your week.

Here's a few things we ask worship members to consider and uphold:

How To Join:

For the Lifehouse Worship band, we hold an audition process that involves several steps and accountability that you will need to pass. We do this because we do hold a high musical and spiritual bar as we believe that we're not just playing a music gig, we are using our music abilities in a leadership capacity in worship to share the best message in the world, so we believe that it deserves the best presentation. As well as relying on the expectations with how we prepare for the weekends, which we can explain later in the process!

So, we invite you to go through all of the steps ahead, and we will follow up with you shortly on your next steps.